To learn more about the special solutions,
please visit www.pultrusionmining.com, a division of Pultrusion Technique Inc.
Electrolytic Cells
We are proud of our line of cell products for hydrometallurgy, loaded with patented unique features.
Resulting from years of research and development, these products are built with the most advanced technologies which make them the most durable cells in the industry.
All our cells can be equipped with advanced lifting options as well as adjustable feet, which makes the installation and leveling of these cells a matter of minutes. With the level of flexibility and customization developed for these products, we make sure we can offer the most suitable option for your project.
Extended Operational life
Our composite cells are built as a Conjoint Dual-Hull Fiberglass System, which uses a highly reinforced polymer concrete only as the core filler between two additional multi-layer fiberglass laminates, all cast and cured at the same time. The laminates are made of special fiberglass skins, specifically configured for these types of applications, and vinyl ester resins which are known for their resistance to corrosion. The outer faces of the laminates are protected with a special gelcoat layer to prolong operational life.
Dual-Hull Fiberglass System
This method of cell manufacturing not only results in outstanding corrosion resistance and low maintenance costs, but also considerably increases the rigidity of cell walls making them able to bring higher performance at a fraction of the total weight compared to corresponding conventional polymer concrete cells. As a result, this level of rigidity eliminated the need for side wall support, and these cells can be used standalone.
Dual-Hull systems were originally conceived and designed for use in submarines during World War II but they have been used for many years in watercraft where weight is an important factor, such as boats, pontoons, skis, and hulls for sailboats and surfboards.

Adaptation of such a system for hydrometallurgy cells required a multi-step development process, however, this technology was found to perform very well over the long term when subjected to harsh conditions.
Quality Control
Construction of cells is conducted according to the detailed description of operations and under a strict quality control program provided by our Department of Production.
For more information about different models of our composite cells, and other related products such as capping boards/insulators, please visit Pultrusion Mining, a division of Pultrusion Technique inc.